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37820X Exam Dumps

37820X Exam Dumps

Avaya Midsize Solution Design Exam

Vendor: Avaya

Exam Name: Avaya Midsize Solution Design Exam

Questions with Answers: 65

Last Updated: 13-Jan-2025

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Avaya 37820X Exam Questions

Avaya Midsize Solution Design Exam exams.

What are two reasons to use Voicemail Pro for recording? (Choose two.)
Choose the Choices:

What is the Vantage™ Voice Assistant?
Choose the Choices:

You are speaking with a customer who has a large multi - site enterprise, and limited IT staff to support a new communications system. They like the idea of housing the primary call control in a reliable data center, but do not have such an environment. In their business today. Local survivability is critical as reliable communications is a core function of their business. Based on these factors, which IP Office™ deployment model would meet the customer requirements?
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Currently a customer has an IP500 V2 Preferred Edition deployment with SIP trunks at their office, but they plan to have 10 employees for tech support to work remotely within the next month. All 10 employees must be able to access their extension simultaneously. They ask you If the IP Office™ has built - in functionality for this and whether that Is sufficient from a security perspective. Which solution would satisfy the customer's need for remote employees and security, and which additional licensing (if any) is required?
Choose the Choices:

In an IP Office environment, which two can be run on the Vantage device? (Choose two.)
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