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3V0-42.20 Exam Dumps

3V0-42.20 Exam Dumps

Advanced Design VMware NSX-T Data Center

Vendor: VMware

Exam Name: Advanced Design VMware NSX-T Data Center

Questions with Answers: 57

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025

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VMware 3V0-42.20 Exam Questions

Advanced Design VMware NSX-T Data Center exams.

Which is a family of solutions for data center designs that span compute, storage, networking, and management, serving as a blueprint for a customer’s Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) implementations? (Choose the best answer.)
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Which three IPv6 features are supported in an NSX - T Data Center design? (Choose three.)
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An architect is helping an organization with the Physical Design of an NSX - T Data Center solution. This information was gathered during a workshop: Some workloads should be moved to a Cloud Provider. Extend network’s VLAN or VNI across sites on the same broadcast domain. Enable VM mobility use cases such as migration and disaster recovery without IP address changes. Support 1500 byte MTU between sites. Which selection should the architect include in their design? (Choose the best answer.)
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An architect is helping an organization with the Physical Design of an NSX - T Data Center solution. This information was gathered during a workshop: There are six hosts and hardware has already been purchased. Customer is planning a collapsed Management/Edge/Compute cluster. Each host has two 10Gb NICs connected to a pair of switches. There should be no single point of failure in any proposed design. Which virtual switch design should the architect recommend to the organization? (Choose the best answer.)
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What selection is the key design benefit provided by a dedicated Edge Cluster VM or Bare Metal? (Choose the best answer.)
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