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5V0-41.20 Exam Dumps

5V0-41.20 Exam Dumps

VMware SD-WAN Troubleshoot

Vendor: VMware

Exam Name: VMware SD-WAN Troubleshoot

Questions with Answers: 36

Last Updated: 12-Jan-2025

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VMware 5V0-41.20 Exam Questions

VMware SD-WAN Troubleshoot exams.

Scenario: 1 A network administrator is tasked with enabling SD - WAN at three branch locations, A topology has been provided for reference. For each site, the administrator is having issues bringing edges online, as another administrator has gone ahead and created a configuration ahead of time. The organization has several branch sites. One is an Internet - only site and two are Hybrid locations with both internet and MPLS. The last location is MPLS only. There are hub data center in this environment as well. Please refer to the topology. Exhibit. One of the Edges at the Chicago site is unable to activate. The Edge has a red LED. What is the next troubleshooting step?
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Scenario 3: After resolving numerous connectivity issues throughout the various branch sites, connectivity between applications and users is finally present. The network administrator is informed that during certain tests, applications are not performing as they are expected to. Users report that call quality has not fully improved and that some of their calls either drop or have poor voice quality where the conversation is breaking up. Other users are noticing that file transfers are slower than expect. A group of users from a few sites have reported slowness in accessing internal and external applications. Exhibit. A network engineer is configuring an Internet Backhaul Policy for the Chicago Branch to utilize NY's hub as a much better source for Internet for certain SaaS applications. For an unknown reason, the network engineer is not able to select the hubs in the Internet Backhaul Policy. What could be the reason?
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Scenario: 2 After completing the branch activation for all required branches, the network administrator attempts to test connectivity between the various branches and between hubs and branches. The administrator notices a lack of connectivity despite being certain that configurations have been complete. The administrator also observed that several users are reporting intermittent connectivity to some of the some applications they are accessing. Other users are reporting no access to these applications. Other users at some of the branches claim they cannot get to certain public resources. The administrator wants to ensure that all sites can talk to each other and all resources are accessible. Exhibit. A technician has added Edges to an East Coast Profile. These Edges are not able to communicate via dynamic tunnels to Edges in the West_Coast profile. The technician has noticed that some Edges are able to establish dynamic tunnels. What could be preventing Edges from being able to establish dynamic tunnels?
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