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300-440 Exam Dumps

300-440 Exam Dumps

Designing and Implementing Cloud Connectivity

Vendor: Cisco

Exam Name: Designing and Implementing Cloud Connectivity

Questions with Answers: 38

Last Updated: 16-Jan-2025

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Cisco 300-440 Exam Questions

Designing and Implementing Cloud Connectivity exams.

Refer to the exhibit.

While troubleshooting an IPsec connection between a Cisco WAN edge router and an Amazon Web Services (AWS) endpoint, a network engineer observes that the security association status is active, but no traffic flows between the devices What is the problem?
Choose the Choices:

Refer to the exhibit.

A network engineer discovers that the policy that is configured on an on - premises Cisco WAN edge router affects only the route tables of the specific devices that are listed in the site list. What is the problem?
Choose the Choices:

A company with multiple branch offices wants a connectivity model to meet its network architecture requirements. The company focuses on ensuring low latency and efficient routing for its critical business applications. Which connectivity model meets these requirements?
Choose the Choices:

An engineer signs in to Cisco vManage and needs to configure a custom application with a Cisco SD -
WAN centralized policy. Drag and drop the steps from the left onto the order on the right to complete
the configuration.

Choose the Choices:

Which Microsoft Azure service enables a dedicated and secure connection between an on - premises infrastructure and Azure data centers through a colocation provider?
Choose the Choices:

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