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350-201 Exam Dumps

350-201 Exam Dumps

Performing CyberOps Using Core Security Technologies

Vendor: Cisco

Exam Name: Performing CyberOps Using Core Security Technologies

Questions with Answers: 139

Last Updated: 05-Jan-2025

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Cisco 350-201 Exam Questions

Performing CyberOps Using Core Security Technologies exams.

Refer to the exhibit. A threat actor behind a single computer exploited a cloud - based application by sending multiple concurrent API requests. These requests made the application unresponsive. Which solution protects the application from being overloaded and ensures more equitable application access across the end - user community?
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DRAG DROP An organization lost connectivity to critical servers, and users cannot access business applications and internal websites. An engineer checks the network devices to investigate the outage and determines that all devices are functioning. Drag and drop the steps from the left into the sequence on the right to continue investigating this issue. Not all options are used. Answer:
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A threat actor attacked an organization’s Active Directory server from a remote location, and in a thirty - minute timeframe, stole the password for the administrator account and attempted to access 3 company servers. The threat actor successfully accessed the first server that contained sales data, but no files were downloaded. A second server was also accessed that contained marketing information and 11 files were downloaded. When the threat actor accessed the third server that contained corporate financial data, the session was disconnected, and the administrator’s account was disabled. Which activity triggered the behavior analytics tool?
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Refer to the exhibit. A security analyst needs to investigate a security incident involving several suspicious connections with a possible attacker. Which tool should the analyst use to identify the source IP of the offender?
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Refer to the exhibit. Cisco Advanced Malware Protection installed on an end - user desktop has automatically submitted a low prevalence file to the Threat Grid analysis engine for further analysis. What should be concluded from this report?
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