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5V0-11.21 Exam Dumps

5V0-11.21 Exam Dumps

VMware Cloud on AWS Master Specialist

Vendor: VMware

Exam Name: VMware Cloud on AWS Master Specialist

Questions with Answers: 65

Last Updated: 11-Jan-2025

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VMware 5V0-11.21 Exam Questions

VMware Cloud on AWS Master Specialist exams.

An environment is running a VMware Cloud on AWS software - defined data center (SDDC) with six i3.metal hosts. Storage space usage has increased and the administrator is required to add storage capacity. Which two approaches can the administrator take to add storage capacity? (Choose two.)
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Which API endpoint serves as the authentication point for VMware Cloud on AWS?
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An environment is running a cluster with six i3.metal hosts in the VMware Cloud on AWS software - defined data center (SDDC). If one host fails, what happens after a new host is automatically added to the cluster?
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An administrator deploys a virtual machine and configures it to perform backups to an AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket. After the first month of use, the administrator receives a bill from AWS indicating egress charges were applied to the backup traffic leaving the software - defined data center (SDCC), destined for the AWS S3 bucket. What can the administrator do to ensure backup traffic travels to the linked Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) through the Elastic Network Interface?
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A customer wants to ensure that VMware Cloud on AWS maintenance operations are performed during their maintenance window. Which option would allow the customer to achieve this outcome?
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