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AD0-E202 Exam Dumps

AD0-E202 Exam Dumps

Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner Exam

Vendor: Adobe

Exam Name: Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner Exam

Questions with Answers: 69

Last Updated: 15-Jan-2025

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Adobe AD0-E202 Exam Questions

Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner Exam exams.

An analyst create a workspace based on two separate segments: A) A Product type = electronics B) Marketing channel =affiliate As a follow - up analysis the analyst wants to identify electronics sales from the affiliate channel over the past 90 days. Which segment should the analyst create to fulfill these requirements?
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A pet food company with an eCommerce store is currently working with two different media agencies to drive online sales through Paid Search advertisements. They user a parameter in the Tracking Code variable to distinguish between traffic driven by each agency, and they would like to understand which agency is more effective at driving sales. Which metric should they use to compare and evaluate the agencies Return on Investment (ROI) performance?
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A client requests a donut chart of the top 10 cities. The analyst creates the following Freeform table. The following donut chart was already created, but only shows five cities and an ‘’Other’’ bucket. What is the correct way to show all 10 cities in the same donut visualization?
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A software company released a new product Software44.ID:12345. When analyzing the products report in order to see how the orders performed since the release of Software4, the product Name report looks like this: * Software1:144 orders * Software2:139 orders * Software3: 58 orders * Unspecified: 21 orders The marketing manager wants Unspecified to appear with the product name in the report. What should the analyst do?
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Per a solution design reference, the following variables are set when a social share occurs: event5 – Social Share eVar7 – Social Share Channel prop7 – Social Share Channel In Adobe Analytics Reports, which report can be created?
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