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350-901 Exam Dumps

350-901 Exam Dumps

Developing Applications using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs

Vendor: Cisco

Exam Name: Developing Applications using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs

Questions with Answers: 363

Last Updated: 16-Jan-2025

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Cisco 350-901 Exam Questions

Developing Applications using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs exams.

A developer has created an application based on customer requirements. The customer needs to run the application with the minimum downtime. Which design approach regarding high - availability applications, Recovery Time Objective, and Recovery Point Objective must be taken?
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DRAG DROP An application is being built to collect and display telemetry streaming dat a. Drag and drop the elements of this stack from the left onto the correct element functions on the right.


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A cloud native project is being worked on in which all source code and dependencies are written in Python, Ruby, and/or JavaScipt. A change in code triggers a notification to the CI/CD tool to run the CI/CD pipeline. Which step should be omitted from the pipeline?
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Which two statements are considered best practices according to the 12 - factor app methodology for application design? (Choose two.)
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An organization manages a large cloud - deployed application that employs a microservices architecture. No notable issues occur with downtime because the services of this application are redundantly deployed over three or more data center regions. However, several times a week reports are received about application slowness. The container orchestration logs show faults in a variety of containers that cause them to fail and then spin up brand new. Which action must be taken to improve the resiliency design of the application while maintaining current scale?
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