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NS0-509 Exam Dumps

NS0-509 Exam Dumps

NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer SAN Specialist, ONTAP

Vendor: NetApp

Exam Name: NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer SAN Specialist, ONTAP

Questions with Answers: 149

Last Updated: 13-Sep-2024

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NetApp NS0-509 Exam Questions

NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer SAN Specialist, ONTAP exams.

Exhibit: You are asked to serve iSCSI LUNs in an existing SVM on your AFF A220 using ONTAP 9.5. You verified that the iSCSI license isconfigured on your cluster and that the iSCSI protocol isenabled. Referring to the exhibit, what isneeded to allow hosts to log into the iSCSI target?
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You are testing iSCSI LUN failover across a4-node FAS9000 fabric -attached MetroCluster configuration. In this scenario, which front end configuration isrequired for non -disruptive host LUN failover between sites?
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Exhibit: Referring to the exhibit, which two pairs of ports are currently configurable as FC SAN LIFs? (Choose two.)
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You have a4-node cluster with an AFF A300 HA pair and aFAS8200 HA pair. You plan on using the default storage efficiency settings. With inline data compaction, you estimate that you can save 6% of storage space. AFF A300 volumes that use under 5000 IOPS are moved to aFAS8200 using the volume move command. In this scenario, what happens to the data after the volume ismoved? (Choose two.)
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Exhibit: You have arequirement to serve LUNs with under 200 microsecond latency using local server lass memory. You also are required to use ashared SAN. Using MAX Data as shown in the exhibit, which two LUN access protocols are supported with this solution? (Choose two.)
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