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N10-008 Exam Dumps

N10-008 Exam Dumps

CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam

Vendor: CompTIA

Exam Name: CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam

Questions with Answers: 857

Last Updated: 05-Jan-2025

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CompTIA N10-008 Exam Questions

CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam exams.

A systems administrator needs to improve WiFi performance in a densely populated office tower and use the latest standard. There is a mix of devices that use 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Which of the following should the systems administrator select to meet this requirement?
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Which of the following would be BEST to use to detect a MAC spoofing attack?
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A technician receives feedback that some users are experiencing high amounts of jitter while using the wireless network. While troubleshooting the network, the technician uses the ping command with the IP address of the default gateway and verifies large variations in latency. The technician thinks the issue may be interference from other networks and non - 802.11 devices. Which of the following tools should the technician use to troubleshoot the issue?
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Wireless users are reporting intermittent internet connectivity. Connectivity is restored when the users disconnect and reconnect, utilizing the web authentication process each time. The network administrator can see the devices connected to the APs at all times. Which of the following steps will MOST likely determine the cause of the issue?
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A network administrator walks into a datacenter and notices an unknown person is following closely. The administrator stops and directs the person to the security desk. Which of the following attacks did the network administrator prevent?
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