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PCEP-30-02 Exam Dumps

PCEP-30-02 Exam Dumps

PCEP - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Vendor: Python Institute

Exam Name: PCEP - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Questions with Answers: 30

Last Updated: 13-Sep-2024

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Python Institute PCEP-30-02 Exam Questions

PCEP - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exams.

DRAG DROP Insert the code boxes in the correct positions in order to build a line of code which asks the user for an integer value and assigns it to the depth variable. (Note: some code boxes will not be used.) Answer: Explanation: One possible way to insert the code boxes in the correct positions in order to build a line of code which asks the user for an integer value and assigns it to the depth variable is: depth = int(input("Enter the immersion depth: "))

This line of code uses the input function to prompt the user for a string value, and then uses the int function to convert that string value into an integer number. The result is then assigned to the variable depth. You can find more information about the input and int functions in Python in the following references: [Python input() Function] [Python int() Function]
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A set of rules which defines the ways in which words can be coupled in sentences is called:
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DRAG DROP Arrange the binary numeric operators in the order which reflects their priorities, where the top - most position has the highest priority and the bottom - most position has the lowest priority. Answer: Explanation: The correct order of the binary numeric operators in Python according to their priorities is: Exponentiation (**) Multiplication (*) and Division (/, //, %) Addition (+) and Subtraction ( - ) This order follows the standard mathematical convention of operator precedence, which can be remembered by the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction). Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before those with lower precedence, but operators with the same precedence are evaluated from left to right. Parentheses can be used to change the order of evaluation by grouping expressions. For example, in the expression 2 + 3 * 4 ** 2, the exponentiation operator (**) has the highest priority, so it is evaluated first, resulting in 2 + 3 * 16. Then, the multiplication operator (*) has the next highest priority, so it is evaluated next, resulting in 2 + 48. Finally, the addition operator (+) has the lowest priority, so it is evaluated last, resulting in 50. You can find more information about the operator precedence in Python in the following references: 6. Expressions — Python 3.11.5 documentation Precedence and Associativity of Operators in Python - Programiz Python Operator Priority or Precedence Examples Tutorial
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Which of the following expressions evaluate to a non - zero result? (Select two answers.)
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DRAG DROP Insert the code boxes in the correct positions in order to build a line of code which asks the user for a float value and assigns it to the mass variable. (Note: some code boxes will not be used.) Answer: Explanation: One possible way to insert the code boxes in the correct positions in order to build a line of code that asks the user for a float value and assigns it to the mass variable is: mass = float(input("Enter the mass: ")) This line of code uses the input function to prompt the user for a string value, and then uses the float function to convert that string value into a floating - point number. The result is then assigned to the variable mass. You can find more information about the input and float functions in Python in the following references: [Python input() Function] [Python float() Function]
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