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MB6-893 Exam Dumps

MB6-893 Exam Dumps

Microsoft Dynamics AX Financials

Vendor: Microsoft

Exam Name: Microsoft Dynamics AX Financials

Questions with Answers: 92

Last Updated: 04-Jan-2025

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Microsoft MB6-893 Exam Questions

Microsoft Dynamics AX Financials exams.

Your company is using basic budgeting and is planning to configure budget control. You need to identify the additional configuration that is needed. Which three components will already be configured as s part of the basic Budgeting setup? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
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You are setting up the budgeting module for your employer and are given a list of budget codes needed in the system. You want to create a "Preliminary" budget code but are unable to select it on the "budget Codes" form. Which configuration key enables "Preliminary" and "Apportionments" budget types?
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You decide that department managers must submit budget plans to you each quarter. You need to use the budget planning template wizard to generate a budget planning template that each department submit to you. What are three prerequisites for creating a template for budget plan worksheets? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
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You need all budget transfers to use a workflow except the specific members of the budget transfer rules. When creating a budget transfer rule, what information is used to define when transfers are allowed?
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Your company is considering tracking budgets by Account, Department, and Cost Center dimensions. There is a requirement to prevent exceeding the budgeted amounts for each Department but not for each Cost Center. Which three actions must be performed to allow budget control for Accounts and Department, and basic budgeting by Account, Departments, and Cost Center, before budget control is enabled? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
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