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C_HANAIMP_18 Exam Dumps

C_HANAIMP_18 Exam Dumps

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06

Vendor: SAP

Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06

Questions with Answers: 80

Last Updated: 05-Jan-2025

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SAP C_HANAIMP_18 Exam Questions

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06 exams.

You have made changes to the design - time files of several calculation views in your DEV environment. These calculation views all belong to the same project.Before deploying your calculation views to a PROD environment, which sequence of steps is required in the DEV environment?
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You want to join two tables in a calculation view.Why do you use a non - equi join?
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Your calculation view consumes one data source, which includes the following columns: SALES_ORDER_ID, PRODUCT_ID, QUANTITY and PRICE.In the output, you want to see summarized data by PRODUCT_ID and a calculated column, PRODUCT_TOTAL, with the formula QUANTITY * PRICE.In which type of node do you define the calculation to display the correct result?
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In an XS Advanced project, what is the purpose of the .hdiconfig file?
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You create a table function to remove historic records, sum the current total weekly working hours for each employee, and update the personnel table with the results. The deployment of the table function fails.Which of the following could be a valid reason?
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