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AZ-204 Exam Dumps

AZ-204 Exam Dumps

Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam

Vendor: Microsoft

Exam Name: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam

Questions with Answers: 427

Last Updated: 03-Jan-2025

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Microsoft AZ-204 Exam Questions

Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam exams.

HOTSPOT You need to configure Azure CDN for the Shipping web site. Which configuration options should you use? To answer, select the appropriate options in the answer area. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.



Answer: Explanation: Scenario: Shipping website Use Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) and ensure maximum performance for dynamic content while minimizing latency and costs. Tier: Standard Profile: Akamai Optimization: Dynamic site acceleration Dynamic site acceleration (DSA) is available for Azure CDN Standard from Akamai, Azure CDN Standard from Verizon, and Azure CDN Premium from Verizon profiles. DSA includes various techniques that benefit the latency and performance of dynamic content. Techniques include route and network optimization, TCP optimization, and more. You can use this optimization to accelerate a web app that includes numerous responses that aren't cacheable. Examples are search results, checkout transactions, or real - time dat a. You can continue to use core Azure CDN caching capabilities for static data. Reference: - us/azure/cdn/cdn - optimization - overview
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HOTSPOT You need to secure the Shipping Function app. How should you configure the app? To answer, select the appropriate options in the answer area. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.


Answer: Explanation: Scenario: Shipping Function app: Implement secure function endpoints by using app - level security and include Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Box 1: Function Box 2: JSON based Token (JWT) Azure AD uses JSON based tokens (JWTs) that contain claims Box 3: HTTP How a web app delegates sign - in to Azure AD and obtains a token User authentication happens via the browser. The OpenID protocol uses standard HTTP protocol messages. References: - us/azure/active - directory/develop/authentication - scenarios
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You need to secure the Shipping Logic App. What should you use?
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Order list You need to support the message processing for the ocean transport workflow. Which four actions should you perform in sequence? To answer, move the appropriate actions from the list of actions to the answer area and arrange them in the correct order


. Answer: 0 Explanation: Step 1: Create an integration account in the Azure portal You can define custom metadata for artifacts in integration accounts and get that metadata during runtime for your logic app to use. For example, you can provide metadata for artifacts, such as partners, agreements, schemas, and maps - all store metadata using key - value pairs. Step 2: Link the Logic App to the integration account A logic app that's linked to the integration account and artifact metadata you want to use. Step 3: Add partners, schemas, certificates, maps, and agreements Step 4: Create a custom connector for the Logic App. References: - latn - ba/azure/logic - apps/logic - ap ps - enterprise - integration - metadata 1
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You need to support the requirements for the Shipping Logic App. What should you use?
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