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CTFL-PT_D Exam Dumps

CTFL-PT_D Exam Dumps

ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level - Specialist Performance Testing

Vendor: iSQI

Exam Name: ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level - Specialist Performance Testing

Questions with Answers: 40

Last Updated: 17-Jan-2025

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iSQI CTFL-PT_D Exam Questions

ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level - Specialist Performance Testing exams.

What is the benefit of transaction nesting for performance testing? SELECT ONE OPTION
Choose the Choices:

Select the option that identifies the possible causes of the degradation of a system's response over time during dynamic performance testing. 1. Disk fragmentation. 2. Network latency. 3. File repository growth. 4. Memory leaks. 5. Inadequate database design. SELECT ONE OPTION
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Choose the option that enables James to meet the performance target. SELECT ONE OPTION
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Choose the ONE option that describes the example of a transaction. The scenario for this question is the transfer of an amount of money from one bank account to another. SELECT ONE OPTION
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Identify the correspondences between performance measures and metrics (1 - 6) and the different environments (A C) in which performance evaluation is needed. 1. Alerts and warnings. 2. Concurrency of usage. 3. Operational processes. 4. Resource utilization. 5. Response time. 6. Throughput of data, transactions, and other units of work performed. 1. Operating environment. 2. Business environment. 3. Technical environment. SELECT ONE OPTION
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