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Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam Dumps

Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam Dumps

Google Associate Cloud Engineer

Vendor: Google

Exam Name: Google Associate Cloud Engineer

Questions with Answers: 269

Last Updated: 14-Sep-2024

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Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam Questions

Google Associate Cloud Engineer exams.

Every employee of your company has a Google account. Your operational team needs to manage a large number of instances on Compute Engine. Each member of this team needs only administrative access to the servers. Your security team wants to ensure that the deployment of credentials is operationally efficient and must be able to determine who accessed a given instance. What should you do?
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You need to create a custom VPC with a single subnet. The subnet’s range must be as large as possible. Which range should you use?
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You want to select and configure a cost - effective solution for relational data on Google Cloud Platform. You are working with a small set of operational data in one geographic location. You need to support point - in - time recovery. What should you do?
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You want to configure autohealing for network load balancing for a group of Compute Engine instances that run in multiple zones, using the fewest possible steps. You need to configure re - creation of VMs if they are unresponsive after 3 attempts of 10 seconds each. What should you do?
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You are using multiple configurations for gcloud. You want to review the configured Kubernetes Engine cluster of an inactive configuration using the fewest possible steps. What should you do?
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