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NSE8_811 Exam Dumps

NSE8_811 Exam Dumps

Fortinet NSE 8 Written Exam (NSE8_811)

Vendor: Fortinet

Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 8 Written Exam (NSE8_811)

Questions with Answers: 65

Last Updated: 15-Jan-2025

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Fortinet NSE8_811 Exam Questions

Fortinet NSE 8 Written Exam (NSE8_811) exams.

Refer to the exhibit. The exhibit shows a full - mesh topology between FortiGate and FortiSwitch devices. To deploy this configuration, two requirements must be met: • 20 Gbps full duplex connectivity is available between each FortiGate and the FortiSwitch devices • The FortiGate HA must be in AP mode Referring to the exhibit, what are two actions that will fulfill the requirements? (Choose two.)
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You want to manage a FortiCloud service. The FortiGate shows up in your list devices on the FortiCloud Web site, but all management functions are either missing or grayed out. Which statement a correct in this scenario?
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Exhibit Click the Exhibit button. The exhibit shows the steps for creating a URL rewrite policy on a FortiWeb. Which statement represents the purpose of this policy?
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You are asked to add a FortiDDoS to the network to combat detected slow connection attacks such as Slowloris. Which prevention mode on FortiDDoS will protect you against this specific type of attack?
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You are building a FortiGala cluster which is stretched over two locations. The HA connections for the cluster are terminated on the data centers. Once the FortiGates have booted, they do form a cluster. The network operators inform you that CRC eoors are present on the switches where the FortiGAtes are connected. What would you do to solve this problem?
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