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201 Exam Dumps

201 Exam Dumps

TMOS Administration

Vendor: F5 Networks

Exam Name: TMOS Administration

Questions with Answers: 254

Last Updated: 14-Jan-2025

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F5 Networks 201 Exam Questions

TMOS Administration exams.

A Virtual Server uses an iRule to send traffic to pool members depending on the URI. The BIG - IP Administrator needs to modify the pool member in the iRule. Which event declaration does the BIG - IP Administrator need to change to accomplish this?
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Refer to the exhibit. A BIG - IP Administrator creates a new Virtual Server to load balance SSH traffic. Users are unable to log on to the servers. What should the BIG - IP Administrator do to resolve the issue?
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A BIG - IP Administrator uses backend servers to host multiple services per server. There are multiple virtual servers and pools defined, referencing the same backend servers. Which load balancing algorithm is most appropriate to have an equal number of connections on each backend server?
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The BIG - IP Administrator needs to perform a BIG - IP device upgrade to the latest version of TMOS. Where can the administrator obtain F5 documentation on upgrade requirements?
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A BIG - IP Administrator makes a configuration change to the BIG - IP device. Which file logs the message regarding the configuration change?
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