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ACP-100 Exam Dumps

ACP-100 Exam Dumps

Jira Administrator

Vendor: Atlassian

Exam Name: Jira Administrator

Questions with Answers: 72

Last Updated: 12-Jan-2025

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Atlassian ACP-100 Exam Questions

Jira Administrator exams.

Which three factors should you consider when deciding between Jira Cloud and Jira Server? (Choose three.)
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You want to introduce Jira to your small non - profit organization. Since you are unsure of the optimal deployment option you have gathered some requirements: • You need to manage a team of up to 15 employees. • You need to be able to track a backlog of staff action items. • You want to easily visualize the progress of ongoing work. The solution must require minimal administration since your organization only has a part - time IT volunteer. What solution is most appropriate for your organization?
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The marketing team has asked you to embed the trigger tab of an issue collector on several internal web pages and change its size, color, and text. They also want the ability to track which webpage finally generated the underlying feedback issue. You are not familiar with advanced issue collector configuration. Which type of developer should you contact for assistance?
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Your Jira has 25,000 active users across the globe using 100 projects with over a million issues. Another administrator has made a change to a field configuration scheme and you now need to re - index Jira. What would be the impact of rebuilding the index in the foreground?
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The configuration details of an SMTP Mail Server of a Jira instance are shown below. The configuration hasn’t been changed in the last 24 months.

Currently emails are no longer being sent and the failed notifications can be seen in the Mail Error Queue. What is the likely cause of the failure?
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