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SVC-19A Exam Dumps

SVC-19A Exam Dumps

Apple Service Fundamentals Exam

Vendor: Apple

Exam Name: Apple Service Fundamentals Exam

Questions with Answers: 70

Last Updated: 12-Jan-2025

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Apple SVC-19A Exam Questions

Apple Service Fundamentals Exam exams.

Examine the image.

Which feature in macOS is opened by clicking on this dock icon?
Choose the Choices:

Technician Tommy is replacing a logic board on a Mac mini. Which of the following should he hold when handling the logic board?
Choose the Choices:

DRAG DROP Jonesy has an Apple Watch and recently purchased an iPhone XR. He would like to use the Apple watch and the data on the old iPhone with the iPhone XR. Place the following steps in the correct order to accomplish his goal. Use the arrow buttons to move the steps from the column on the left to the area on the right and arrange the order.


Choose the Choices:

Which of the following is a valid ESD safety precaution?
Choose the Choices:

A computer service technician says, "I don't use ESD precautions and have never had a problem." Which of the following is the correct response to this statement?
Choose the Choices:

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