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UiPath-ARDv1 Exam Dumps

UiPath-ARDv1 Exam Dumps

UiPath Advanced RPA Developer v1.0 Exam

Vendor: UiPath

Exam Name: UiPath Advanced RPA Developer v1.0 Exam

Questions with Answers: 348

Last Updated: 17-Jan-2025

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UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Exam Questions

UiPath Advanced RPA Developer v1.0 Exam exams.

A developer plans to create a process to automate a web application. The web application requires HTML buttons and text boxes to be loaded. Although some assets may still be loading, the robot should perform the UI actions once the buttons and text boxes are loaded. Which property should be configured?
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A developer reviewed the following sequence: The parameters of the Invoke Method are: In order to get the table name of the first element in the DataSet, which expressions should the developer use?
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A developer was reviewing an Orchestration process whose "main" attribute is set to Main.xaml in project.json. However, the process is not pausing as intended. What is a possible cause for this issue?
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A developer needs to automate a process which involves capturing support ticket numbers from the email subject line. For example, the email subject line includes: "Action Required – XA/135" where "XA/135" is the ticket number. The robot should validate the pattern of the ticket number before proceeding. Which expression exclusively matches the ticket number pattern from the subject line?
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A developer uses Workflow Analyzer with the default rules to check if a project follows best practices. In one of the workflows, the Properties of a Click activity is shown in the following exhibit. Which warning will be shown in the Analyzer output for this activity?
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