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TCC-C01 Exam Dumps

TCC-C01 Exam Dumps

Tableau Certified Consultant Exam

Vendor: Tableau

Exam Name: Tableau Certified Consultant Exam

Questions with Answers: 55

Last Updated: 12-Jan-2025

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Tableau TCC-C01 Exam Questions

Tableau Certified Consultant Exam exams.

A consultant creates a histogram that presents the distribution of profits across a client's customers. The labels on the bars show percent shares. The consultant used a quick table calculation to create the labels. Now, the client wants to limit the view to the bins that have at least a 15% share. The consultant creates a profit filter but it changes the percent labels. Which approach should the consultant use to produce the desired result?
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A client has many published data sources in Tableau Server. The data sources use the same databases and tables. The client notices different departments give different answers to the same business questions, and the departments cannot trust the data. The client wants to know what causes data sources to return different data. Which tool should the client use to identify this issue?
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A client collects information about a web browser customers use to access their website. They then visualize the breakdown of web traffic by browser version. The data is stored in the format shown below in the related table, with a NULL BrowserID stored in the Site Visitor Table if an unknown browser version accesses their website.

The client uses "Some Records Match" for the Referential Integrity setting because a match is not guaranteed. The client wants to improve the performance of the dashboard while also getting an accurate count of site visitors. Which modifications to the data tables and join should the consultant recommend?
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A stakeholder has multiple files saved (CSV/Tables) in a single location. A few files from the location are required for analysis. Data transformation (calculations) is required for the files before designing the visuals. The files have the following attributes . All files have the same schema. . Multiple files have something in common among their file names. . Each file has a unique key column. Which data transformation strategy should the consultant use to deliver the best optimized result?
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A consultant wants to improve the performance of reports by moving calculations to the data layer and materializing them in the extract. Which calculation should the consultant use?
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