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PSM-II Exam Dumps

PSM-II Exam Dumps

Professional Scrum Master II

Vendor: Scrum

Exam Name: Professional Scrum Master II

Questions with Answers: 75

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025

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Scrum PSM-II Exam Questions

Professional Scrum Master II exams.

A Scrum Master is not only a servant - leader to the Scrum Team and organization, it’s also considered a management position. Which three activities describe what a Scrum Master manages as reflected by the Scrum Guide? (Choose three.)
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An organization has just hired you as a new Scrum Master to help them transition their teams from their current traditional process to Scrum. The teams are currently structured to specialize in a single function. This is also known as component teams where a team would only address a single layer (i.e. design, frontend, backend, database, testing, etc.). You’ve introduced the concept of cross - functional teams where all the skills needed to produce business functionality, from end to end, are inside of a single team. What should you keep in mind when transitioning from siloed teams to cross - functional teams? (Choose two.)
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Paul is a Product Owner for multiple products. Each product is allocated a dedicated Scrum Team and a set budget. Based on the average velocity of a previous product release, Paul had estimated a new product to take 9 Sprints to complete. The average velocity of the previous product release was 50 completed units of work per Sprint. Over the first 3 Sprints, the Development Team reported an average velocity of 40 completed units per Sprint, while not fully completing the required integration tests. The Development Team estimates that integration testing would require additional effort to make the increments shippable. The Development Team is unsure if the required velocity is achievable. What is the most effective way to recover?
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Paul, a Product Owner of one of the Scrum Teams, has been attending the Daily Scrum. During the Daily Scrum, the Development Team members have been reporting their daily work to Paul so that he is aware of their Sprint progress and what each member is working on. What is the best action for the Scrum Master to take?
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Steven, the Scrum Master, is approached by one of the Development Team members saying that they are not completing regression tests for all of the work they are performing to the level defined in the Definition of Done. They have discussed this with the Product Owner and decided to remove regression testing from the Definition of Done. Which two actions are the most appropriate for Steven to take? (Choose two.)
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