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PAL-I Exam Dumps

PAL-I Exam Dumps

Professional Agile Leadership Certification Exam

Vendor: Scrum

Exam Name: Professional Agile Leadership Certification Exam

Questions with Answers: 36

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025

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Scrum PAL-I Exam Questions

Professional Agile Leadership Certification Exam exams.

What traditionally "good" behavior can impede the adoption of an agile culture? (choose the best answer)
Choose the Choices:

You manage a product delivery organization. Your manager asks you to create a plan for the next fiscal year describing what will be delivered. What is the best way to proceed? (choose the best answer)
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You are a manager responsible for a product being developed by a Scrum Team. A sales representative wants a particular feature in the product. They believe that it will help close a deal. The Product Owner understands the need but believes that there are more valuable things on the Product Backlog that will lead to more long - term business. The sales representative appeals to you to intervene. How do you respond? (choose the best answer)
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You manage a development organization. The organization currently rewards individual performance bonuses to only a few top - performers on a yearly basis. As a result, only one member of a team might get a bonus, while all others get nothing. Some of your teams feel that this is unfair since everyone on a team contributes to the success or failure to achieve goals. They would like to move toward team bonuses. What do you think needs to be done? (choose the best answer)
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Of the following choices, what is the most effective way a Scrum Master can keep a Scrum Team working at its highest level of productivity? (choose the best answer)
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