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Salesforce-Communications-Cloud Exam Dumps

Salesforce-Communications-Cloud Exam Dumps

Salesforce Communications Cloud Accredited Professional (AP) Exam

Vendor: Salesforce

Exam Name: Salesforce Communications Cloud Accredited Professional (AP) Exam

Questions with Answers: 77

Last Updated: 11-Jan-2025

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Salesforce Salesforce-Communications-Cloud Exam Questions

Salesforce Communications Cloud Accredited Professional (AP) Exam exams.

Universal containers (UC) is a communication service provider using commination cloud. The provisioning system that activates the mobile service can take up to 10 minutes. How should a consultant design the orchestration for Mobile service?
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Universal containers (UC) is a communication service provider using commination cloud. UC plans to migrate their B2C customer and their customer services into communication cloud. UC have configured the products in the Enterprise product catalog. Which entities must be migrated and in which sequence to accomplish the migration?
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Universal containers want to include Product A every time they sell the bundle B. Users can opt out this product if they want but cannot take a quantity of more than 1 per bundle. How should a consultant configure the product in the system?
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Universal containers (UC) is a communication service provider using commination cloud. UC wants to create a guided ordering processes for their Sales agent and B2C Consumers. Which three option are technically feasible.
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Fivercorp is migrating its operations from a legacy on - premise system to communication cloud. They have already migrated the account and product information, and are now planning to migrate the asset records and route of MACD processing to Salesforce by the end of the year. Which two considerations should they take into accounts for this processing to be successful?
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