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Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Exam Dumps

Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect

Vendor: Salesforce

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect

Questions with Answers: 227

Last Updated: 14-Jan-2025

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Salesforce Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Architect Exam Questions

Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Architect exams.

Universal Containers (UC) operates globally from different geographical locations. UC is revisiting their current org strategy. Which three factors should an Architect consider for a single strategy? Choose 3 answers
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Universal Containers has multiple projects being developed in parallel. One of the projects is in the testing phase and the testing team found a list of issues on the items that will be deployed to production. As the project deadline is short, the customer team proposes that the fixes be done in the test sandbox and then deployed to production. What should be the Architect recommend?
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Universal Containers (UC) is implementing Service Cloud for their contact centers for 3000 users. They have ~10 million customers. The average speed response time expected is less than 5 seconds with 1,500 concurrent users. What type of testing will help UC measure the page response time? Page 4
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Universal Containers is considering developing a client application using the Metadata API for managing deployments to multiple Salesforce orgs. Which two use cases describe the usage of Metadata API? Choose 2 ans
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Universal Containers has a stable continuous integration process and all stakeholders are happy. However, user testing takes long time, as data has to be setup. What should an Architect do to address this problem?
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