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PMP Exam Dumps

PMP Exam Dumps

Project Management Professional (2023)

Vendor: PMI

Exam Name: Project Management Professional (2023)

Questions with Answers: 1707

Last Updated: 17-Jan-2025

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PMI PMP Exam Questions

Project Management Professional (2023) exams.

A new project manager is planning an information security project for a company that resides in different countries. What is the first step the project manager should take to gather customer requirements?
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A project team with members from many different countries is struggling to cooperate The project manager accepted these difficulties during the storming phase of team development, but the team has not moved to the next phase The project is beginning to fall behind schedule What can the project manager do to move the team to the norming phase?
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A company's project management office (PMO) has been trying to implement an adaptive approach in the project management framework and a project manager has been asked to use adaptive tools in their next project This is not the first time the request has been made and the previous project failed when adaptive tools were implemented What should the project manager do?
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To estimate the costs of a new project that is similar to a project that was implemented last year, the project manager meets with a group of experts from the previous project The group uses a three - point estimating technique The project manager submits the estimated budget to the project sponsor for approval The project sponsor, who is new to the company, is concerned because the budget exceeded their expectations What should the project manager do?
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The project manager is having difficulty obtaining approval of the project requirements because there is disagreement among the project stakeholders This issue is putting the project schedule at risk What should the project manager do first to facilitate the approval of project requirements'?
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