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1z0-1072-21 Exam Dumps

1z0-1072-21 Exam Dumps

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2021 Architect Associate

Vendor: Oracle

Exam Name: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2021 Architect Associate

Questions with Answers: 239

Last Updated: 05-Jan-2025

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Oracle 1z0-1072-21 Exam Questions

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2021 Architect Associate exams.

You have an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) load balancer distributing traffic via an evenly - weighted round robin policy to your back - end web servers. You notice that one of your web servers is receiving more traffic than other web servers. How can you resolve this to make sure traffic is evenly distributed across all back - end webservers?
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Which two are Regional resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure? (Choose two.)
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An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy administrator is not able to delete a user in the tenancy. What can cause this issue?
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D18912E1457D5D1DDCBD40AB3BF70D5D You are a system administrator of your company and you are asked to manage updates and patches across all your compute instances running Oracle Linux in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). As part of your task, you need to apply all the latest kernel security updates to all instances. Which OCI service will allow you to complete this task?
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Which of the following statements is true about the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage serverside encryption?
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