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1Z0-1003-22 Exam Dumps

1Z0-1003-22 Exam Dumps

Oracle Field Service 2022 Implementation Professional

Vendor: Oracle

Exam Name: Oracle Field Service 2022 Implementation Professional

Questions with Answers: 132

Last Updated: 29-May-2024

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Oracle 1Z0-1003-22 Exam Questions

Oracle Field Service 2022 Implementation Professional exams.

Which two default attributes serve as stand - alone keys for work zones?
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A customer wants to configure the OFSC GUI to show when a resource has not activated their route by the exact planned shift start time and send an email to the resource's supervisor. Which two options are true regarding how this requirement is supported?
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A utility company sees several "New Connect" activities being dropped into the routing bucket during the day. They want "Meter Read" activities to be removed from the technician's route so that the "New Connect" activities can be assigned if the technician qualifies for the activity They enabled reoptimization in their route plan and created a reoptimization filter targeting the "Meter Read" activities. What additional settings are required in the route plan to meet the desired behavior?
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A technician has been assigned a scheduled activity that he or she needs to perform later in the day. Their company has a policy that their technicians perform some advance testing as an administrative task prior to the activity. Which option would enable them to account for their time performing these tasks?
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A customer has found that there are some instances where their technicians have recorded either exceptionally short (for example, "one - minute - wonders") or long (for example, they forgot to set the status to "complete") activity durations. Given the importance of accurate data in a time - based self - learning system, which two constraints are in place and can be modified to ensure that outlier circumstances such as these do not affect future activity duration estimations?
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