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4A0-255 Exam Dumps

4A0-255 Exam Dumps

Nokia Advanced Optical Network Design

Vendor: Nokia

Exam Name: Nokia Advanced Optical Network Design

Questions with Answers: 40

Last Updated: 11-Jan-2025

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Nokia 4A0-255 Exam Questions

Nokia Advanced Optical Network Design exams.

Refer to the exhibit that shows a demand matrix, a network topology with candidate links (in thick blue lines and dashed lines), the defined network in thick blue lines and the demand routing (colored numbers in the figure). Every link is 80 km long. Which of the following requirements is supported by this network design with the displayed demand routing?

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Consider the exhibit showing the schematic for an NE in a deployed optical network. The traffic growth forecast is for the use of 40 channels in 3 years. The customer needs to reduce the space for the shelf. Among the following, which additional input is NOT necessary to meet these specific requirements?

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Consider the exhibit that shows a network with a full mesh fiber structure. Link weights indicate the cost. Future services can be requested between any node pair. Which of the following topology represents a minimum cost design (minimum overall fiber cost) where link failure survivability is ensured?





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Suppose there is a 40 Gbit/s signal which has a symbol rate of Gbaud/s. Which modulation format is being used?
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What is guardband required for?
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