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MB-260 Exam Dumps

MB-260 Exam Dumps

Microsoft Customer Data Platform Specialist

Vendor: Microsoft

Exam Name: Microsoft Customer Data Platform Specialist

Questions with Answers: 118

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025

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Microsoft MB-260 Exam Questions

Microsoft Customer Data Platform Specialist exams.

DRAG DROP You are a Customer Data Platform Specialist. You are implementing an incremental refresh in audience insights. All the data is stored in an Azure SQL database and is ingested to audience insights using Power Query. You need to configure an incremental refresh for data sources. Which four actions should you perform in sequence to meet this requirement? To answer, move the appropriate actions from the list of actions to the answer area and arrange them in the correct order.

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You are a Customer Data Platform Specialist. The marketing team requested that customer cellphone numbers be added to the customer profile in audience insights. The customer cellphone numbers are stored in a separate table in the Azure Gen 2 Storage Account. You decide to create the data source(s) needed in audience insights. Which statements best describes the steps needed to ingest the required data to audience insights?
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DRAG DROP You are a Customer Data Platform Specialist. You want to add data sources that connect to data in the organization’s Azure Data Lake. You need to enable data profiling for the entity within the data source while creating it. Which three actions should you perform in sequence to meet this requirement? To answer, move the appropriate actions from the list of actions to the answer area and arrange them in the correct order.

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You are a Customer Data Platform Specialist. The marketing team wants to send personalized marketing emails to customers, but the customer FullName attribute has not been correctly populated as part of the profile unification process. You update the Map process to include the loyalty.member.fullname, ecom.member.fullname, and cclubcust.member.full_name fields. Then, you map the fields to the Person.FullName semantic type. Audience insights automatically merges these fields into the FullName attribute on the Merge page. What action should you perform to make sure the merged FullName field contains the most trusted data available?
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DRAG DROP You are a Customer Data Platform Specialist. You are asked to create a household cluster to group profiles that share a set of demographic data points. Which three actions should you perform in sequence to configure a household cluster? To answer, move the appropriate actions from the list of actions to the answer area and arrange them in the correct order.

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