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JN0-635 Exam Dumps

JN0-635 Exam Dumps

Security, Professional Exam

Vendor: Juniper

Exam Name: Security, Professional Exam

Questions with Answers: 88

Last Updated: 04-Jan-2025

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Juniper JN0-635 Exam Questions

Security, Professional Exam exams.

Click the Exhibit button. While configuring the SRX345, you review the MACsec connection between devices and note that it is not working. Referring to the exhibit, which action would you use to identify problem?
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Click the Exhibit button. Page 5 You have recently committed the IPS policy shown in the exhibit. When evaluating the expected behavior, you notice that you have a session that matches all the rules in your IPS policy. In this scenario, which action would be taken?
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Your organization has multiple Active Directory domains to control user access. You must ensure that security policies are passing traffic based upon the users’ access rights. What would you use to assist your SRX Series devices to accomplish this task?
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You are asked to set up notifications if one of your collector traffic feeds drops below 100 kbps. Which two configuration parameters must be set to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
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You have configured static NAT for a webserver in your DMZ. Both internal and external users can reach the webserver using the webserver’s IP address. However, only internal users can reach the webserver using the webserver’s DNS name. When external users attempt to reach the webserver using the webserver’s DNS name, an error message is received. Which action would solve this problem?
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