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HPE0-V17 Exam Dumps

HPE0-V17 Exam Dumps

Creating HPE Data Protection Solutions

Vendor: HP

Exam Name: Creating HPE Data Protection Solutions

Questions with Answers: 76

Last Updated: 16-Jan-2025

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HP HPE0-V17 Exam Questions

Creating HPE Data Protection Solutions exams.

Refer to the exhibit. Your customer is sending backup jobs lo an HPE StoreOnce backup target. They notice big differences on the deduplication and replication ratios between two jobs on consecutive days. The same type of data was backed up on both occasions Saturday backup: Sunday backup: is this a correct statement about the differences between the two backups? Solution:Deduplication is completely dependent on the type of user data being sent to the backup application This result means the users have created more duplicate data on Saturday compared to Sunday.
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Your customer contacts you to optimize their current data protection solution due to changing requirements. The current solution is based on Commvault making backups to HPE StoreOnce appliances with VTL virtual Tape Library The backup rotation Is set to the following schema: • Dally backup with a retention of 10 days • Weekly backup with a retention of 2 months • Monthly backup with a retention of 1 year Customer requirements changed a week later, stating that the current retention schema should be revised • Implementation of 3 - 2 - 1 best practices • Retention of monthly data for 3 years is this a possible solution to fulfill all customer requirements? Solution: Create a copy job from the monthly backup data on the HPE StoreOnce appliance towards HPE Cloud Bank storage with a retention of 3 years.
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The customer currently has one HPE 3PAR and two Nimble storage arrays connected via Fibre Channel (FC) to 12 HPE OL380 servers running VMware They make backups with Commvault to HPE StoreEver tape libraries. They also make snapshots inside the storage array, to lower RTO and RPO. They store the snapshots on the array itself, and fear that they might be vulnerable to array failures They want to maintain their low RTO and RPO objectives while storing data outside the array is this a valid option for the customer? Solution: Use HPE infoSight for autonomous data protection, storing data on multiple arrays based on predictive analytics defined policies
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You are optimizing the design of an existing data protection solution. The customer is using the following systems in their environment • HPE OL380 Gen8/9/l0 servers • HPE Nimble AF60 • HPE StoreEver MSL6030 tape library with LT04 drives • HPE FlexFabric 590O switches for LAN and SAN connectivity (ISCSI based) • VMware ESXI 6.5 • Windows 2016 • veeam 9.5U2 You want to replace the aging tape library with a new HPE StoreOnce 5650 solution with VTL virtual tape library and Catalyst targets with HPE Nimble snapshot Integration is this what you should use to assess current backup deployment? Solution:Use Veeam Platform Support to validate that the currently - used Veeam software products support HPE Nimble snapshot integration
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You are optimizing the design of an existing data protection solution. The customer Is using the following systems In their environment • HPE DL380 GenS/9/10 servers • HPE Nimble AF60 • HPE StoreEver MSL6030 tape library with LT04 drives • HPE FlexFabflc 5900 switches for LAN and SAN connectivity (ISCSI based) • VMware ESXI 6.5 • Windows 2016 • Veeam9.5U2 You want to replace the aging tape library with a new HPE StoreOnce 5650 solution with VTL virtual tape library and Catalyst targets with HPE Nimble snapshot Integration Is this what you should use to assess current backup deployment? Solution: Use HPE Info Sight lo validate that the current HPE Nimble storage array is running the correct Nimble OS version to support storage integration with the used VMware ESXl
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