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Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam Dumps

Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam Dumps

Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer

Vendor: Google

Exam Name: Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer

Questions with Answers: 283

Last Updated: 14-Jan-2025

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Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam Questions

Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer exams.

As the lead ML Engineer for your company, you are responsible for building ML models to digitize scanned customer forms. You have developed a TensorFlow model that converts the scanned images into text and stores them in Cloud Storage. You need to use your ML model on the aggregated data collected at the end of each day with minimal manual intervention. What should you do?
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You work for a global footwear retailer and need to predict when an item will be out of stock based on historical inventory dat a. Customer behavior is highly dynamic since footwear demand is influenced by many different factors. You want to serve models that are trained on all available data, but track your performance on specific subsets of data before pushing to production. What is the most streamlined and reliable way to perform this validation?
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You work on a growing team of more than 50 data scientists who all use Al Platform. You are designing a strategy to organize your jobs, models, and versions in a clean and scalable way. Which strategy should you choose?
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During batch training of a neural network, you notice that there is an oscillation in the loss. How should you adjust your model to ensure that it converges?
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You are building a linear model with over 100 input features, all with values between - 1 and 1. You suspect that many features are non - informative. You want to remove the non - informative features from your model while keeping the informative ones in their original form. Which technique should you use?
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