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NSE7_PBC-7.2 Exam Dumps

NSE7_PBC-7.2 Exam Dumps

Fortinet NSE 7 - Public Cloud Security 7.2

Vendor: Fortinet

Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 7 - Public Cloud Security 7.2

Questions with Answers: 59

Last Updated: 13-Jan-2025

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Fortinet NSE7_PBC-7.2 Exam Questions

Fortinet NSE 7 - Public Cloud Security 7.2 exams.

When configuring the FortiCASB policy, which three configuration options are available? (Choose three.)
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You have been tasked with deploying FortiGate VMs in a highly available topology on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. The requirements for your deployment are as follows: • You must deploy two FortiGate VMs in a single virtual private cloud (VPC), with an external elastic load balancer which will distribute ingress traffic from the internet to both FortiGate VMs in an active - active topology. • Each FortiGate VM must have two elastic network interfaces: one will connect to a public subnet and other will connect to a private subnet. • To maintain high availability, you must deploy the FortiGate VMs in two different availability zones. How many public and private subnets will you need to configure within the VPC?
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You are deploying Amazon Web Services (AWS) GuardDuty to monitor malicious or unauthorized behaviors related to AWS resources. You will also use the Fortinet aws - lambda - guardduty script to translate feeds from AWS GuardDuty findings into a list of malicious IP addresses. FortiGate can then consume this list as an external threat feed. Which Amazon AWS services must you subscribe to in order to use this feature?
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Refer to the exhibit. A customer has deployed an environment in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is now trying to send outbound traffic from the Web servers to the Internet. The FortiGate policies are configured to allow all outbound traffic; however, the traffic is not reaching the FortiGate internal interface. What are two possible reasons for this behavior? (Choose two.)
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Refer to the exhibit. Your senior administrator successfully configured a FortiGate fabric connector with the Azure resource manager, and created a dynamic address object on the FortiGate VM to connect with a windows server in Microsoft Azure. However, there is now an error on the dynamic address object, and you must resolve the issue. How do you resolve this issue?
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