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220-1102 Exam Dumps

220-1102 Exam Dumps

CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam

Vendor: CompTIA

Exam Name: CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam

Questions with Answers: 750

Last Updated: 05-Jan-2025

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CompTIA 220-1102 Exam Questions

CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam exams.

A technician installed a known - good, compatible motherboard on a new laptop. However, the motherboard is not working on the laptop. Which of the following should the technician MOST likely have done to prevent damage?
Choose the Choices:

A technician receives a ticket indicating the user cannot resolve external web pages However, specific IP addresses are working. Which of the following does the technician MOST likely need to change on the workstation to resolve the issue?
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A technician needs to recommend the best backup method that will mitigate ransomware attacks. Only a few files are regularly modified, however, storage space is a concern. Which of the following backup methods would BEST address these concerns?
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A change advisory board did not approve a requested change due to the lack of alternative actions if implementation failed. Which of the following should be updated before requesting approval again?
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A user is having phone issues after installing a new application that claims to optimize performance. The user downloaded the application directly from the vendor's website and is now experiencing high network utilization and is receiving repeated security warnings. Which of the following should the technician perform FIRST to mitigate the issue?
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