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I10-003 Exam Dumps

I10-003 Exam Dumps

XML Master Professional Database Administrator

Vendor: XML

Exam Name: XML Master Professional Database Administrator

Questions with Answers: 39

Last Updated: 10-Feb-2025

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XML I10-003 Exam Questions

XML Master Professional Database Administrator exams.

Assume that a certain XMLDB requires disk capacity in excess of the size of an XML document when storing the XML document to accommodate XML node information and other information (such as management considerations, etc.) The following describes the capacity needed: When eliminating ignorable whitespace in the XML document 1.5 times the XML document file size. When not eliminating ignorable whitespace in the XML document 2.0 times the XML document file size. At the initial stage, the total size of the XML document files to be stored is 1GB. At the operating stage, repeated additions and deletions of XML documents will result in a projected disk requirement of plus or minus 10% compared to the prior year. Assume that the disk size configured at initial stage cannot be changed for two years. The required disk capacity will be calculated according to these conditions; however, to provide a safety margin, the decision has been made to set aside the equivalent of twice the maximum required disk capacity as calculated above. Select the value representing the required disk capacity when ignorable whitespace is not eliminated from the XML document. Do not consider any facts or conditions other than those given above.
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Assume that [testmixsd] (referenced in a separate window) has been defined. Without rewriting this XML Schema Document ([testml - xsd]), create a new, separate XML Schema Document to partially change the schema definition replacing the phone element with a cellPhone element. As a result, the following [XML Document] will be valid against the new schema. Which of the following correctly descnbes the new XML Schema Document? Assume that the XMLDB or XML parser correctly processes the XML Schema schema Location attribute. [XML Document] <TestML> <person> <name>John Smith</name> <cellPhone>000 - 1111 - 2222</cellPhone> </person> </TestML>
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See separate window. Assume you wish to execute a query on [example.xml] (separate window) to obtain a record element that includes a data element having a value equal to or greater than 100 and less than 200. Select the correct result of executing the [XQuery] (separate window). The expected result would be "C;" however, the query may not be processed as expected.
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