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Salesforce-Hyperautomation-Specialist Exam Dumps

Salesforce-Hyperautomation-Specialist Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified Hyperautomation Specialist

Vendor: Salesforce

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Hyperautomation Specialist

Questions with Answers: 60

Last Updated: 11-Sep-2024

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Salesforce Salesforce-Hyperautomation-Specialist Exam Questions

Salesforce Certified Hyperautomation Specialist exams.

Northern Trail Outfitters needs to update multiple systems outside of Salesforce based on record updates within Salesforce. A hyperautomation practitioner needs to configure Salesforce to call several APIs created by the MuleSoft development team from within a Salesforce flow. What specifications must be imported into Salesforce to make external services available to a Salesforce flow that enables external invokable actions?
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For a MuleSoft Composer flow, errors can be noted in its Flow Details page. What other way can MuleSoft Composer send notifications when errors occur?
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Northern Trail Outfitters wants to run a bidirectional sync of data between two Salesforce orgs. They want to perform real - time updates between both systems so that if either system is updated, the other one is automatically updated with the new data. What is the minimum number of Mute - Soft Composer flows needed to meet this requirement?
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Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is building a hyperautomation solution using Salesforce and MuleSoft. Their Salesforce admin needs to automate a comprehensive, multi - step process that a single user will execute after a case record is created. How should the Salesforce Flow solution be structured to meet this requirement?
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AnyAirlines is attempting to automate a process that triggers when a case is created in Salesforce but requires data to be extracted from a website without an API. It plans to automate the process using MuleSoft Composer and MuleSoft RPA. During the design phase, it uses RPA Recorder to gather the steps required to interact with the website. What will automatically be gathered by RPA Recorder when recording a manual activity?
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