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B2C-Commerce-Architect Exam Dumps

B2C-Commerce-Architect Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect

Vendor: Salesforce

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect

Questions with Answers: 64

Last Updated: 14-Jan-2025

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Salesforce B2C-Commerce-Architect Exam Questions

Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect exams.

Your project requires the integrating with a 3rd party PIM for importing master catalog, two storefront catalogs and pricebooks. All imports need to happen in a single job. Search indexes will also need to be re - built.
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You’re in charge of Pipeline migration to Controllers. What should be the best approach to do it in order to avoid poor performance and using Pipelines and controllers together until all migration is done?
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Facebook connect will be available on your storefront to allow users to log in. To configure properly the new OAuth provider. What should you need from your product owner?
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A client is planning to migrate its e - commerce to Salesforce Commerce Cloud. Their expectation is to increase the business volume by 300%. As an architect you decide before go - live execute a load testing in order to check that the new site will fit client expectations. This table show the results of test execution:

* 500 http error appears twice during search refinement and 404 is shown while accessing an specific PDP. According to the results shown above, how can we evaluate the load test?
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Our company is planning an integration with a 3rd party provider to get information about product rating. As an architect you’re in charge of the Interface Specification Document so, you requested all needed information to the rating provider. A few days later you receive an email with the desired information: URL: /{productID} User: ratingprovider Pass: r$afF2!_dA Select 2 correct answers you should do as an architect after receiving this information:
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