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DP-900 Exam Dumps

DP-900 Exam Dumps

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals

Vendor: Microsoft

Exam Name: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals

Questions with Answers: 306

Last Updated: 14-Jan-2025

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Microsoft DP-900 Exam Questions

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals exams.

HOTSPOT To complete the sentence, select the appropriate option in the answer area. Answer: Explanation: Disadvantages of non - relational databases include: Data Consistency — non - relational databases do not perform ACID transactions. Note: Relational databases are optimized for writes. They are optimized for consistency and availability. Advantages of relational databases include simplicity, ease of data retrieval, data integrity, and flexibility. Incorrect Answers: Use a relational database when data that you work with is structured, and the structure is not subject to frequent changes. Use Cloud storage (no relational database) for geographically distributed writes. Reference: - the - right - database - c45cd3a28f77
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HOTSPOT To complete the sentence, select the appropriate option in the answer area. Answer:
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A bar chart showing year - to date sales by region is an example of which type of analytics?
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HOTSPOT To complete the sentence, select the appropriate option in the answer area. Answer: Explanation: Generally speaking, data analytics comes in four types (Figure 1): Descriptive, to answer the question: What’s happening? Diagnostic, to answer the question: Why’s happening? Predictive, to answer the question: What will happen? Prescriptive, to answer the question: What actions should we take? Reference: - us/blog /answering - whats - happening - whys - happening - and - what - will - happen - with - iot - analytics/
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DRAG DROP Your company plans to load data from a customer relationship management (CRM) system to a data warehouse by using an extract load, and transform (ELT) process. Where does data processing occur for each stage of the ELT process? To answer, drag the appropriate locations to the correct. Each location may be used once, or not at all, You may need to drag the split bar between panes or scroll to view content. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point. Answer: Explanation: Box 1: The CRM system Data is extracted from the CRM system. Box 2: The data warehouse Data is loaded to the data warehouse. Box 3: An in - memory data integration tool The data transformation that takes place usually involves various operations, such as filtering, sorting, aggregating, joining data, cleaning data, deduplicating, and validating data. Reference: - us/azure/architecture/data - guide/relational - data/etl
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