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PCCSE Exam Dumps

PCCSE Exam Dumps

Prisma Certified Cloud Security Engineer

Vendor: Palo Alto Networks

Exam Name: Prisma Certified Cloud Security Engineer

Questions with Answers: 260

Last Updated: 14-Jan-2025

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Palo Alto Networks PCCSE Exam Questions

Prisma Certified Cloud Security Engineer exams.

An administrator has deployed Console into a Kubernetes cluster running in AWS. The administrator also has configured a load balancer in TCP passthrough mode to listen on the same ports as the default Prisma Compute Console configuration In the build pipeline, the administrator wants twistcli to talk to Console over HTTPS Which port will twistcli need to use to access the Prisma Compute APIs?
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Which method should be used to authenticate to Prisma Cloud Enterprise programmatically?
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DRAG DROP Which order of steps map a policy to a custom compliance standard? (Drag the steps into the correct order of occurrence, from the first step to the last.) 

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A customer is interested in PCI requirements and needs to ensure that no privilege containers can start in the environment. Which action needs to be set for "do not use privileged containers?
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A customer is deploying Defenders to a Fargate environment It wants to understand the vulnerabilities in the images it is deploying. How should the customer automate vulnerability scanning for images deployed to Fargate?
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