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1Z0-343 Exam Dumps

1Z0-343 Exam Dumps

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Distribution 9.2 Implementation Essentials

Vendor: Oracle

Exam Name: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Distribution 9.2 Implementation Essentials

Questions with Answers: 75

Last Updated: 11-Jan-2025

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Oracle 1Z0-343 Exam Questions

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Distribution 9.2 Implementation Essentials exams.

Your client has situations where sometimes Customer Service Representatives (CSR) need to enter a sales order and then come back to it later to resolve client questions, add more information or lines, and so on. What Is the correct way to handle this request?
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Your client uses an Order Policy Code of 0 (Reorder Point) to calculate suggested order quantities In the Purchase Order generator (P43011). Which statement is true about Order Policy Code 0?
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When setting up Kit Items in E1. how does the system store those items?
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Your client and their supplier have an agreement that the supplier will not send invokes. Your client will pay the supplier based on what they receive. How should you set this up to ensure that the system processes this supplier's invoices according to the agreement?
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Your client manufactures and sells an item. The item is then shipped to their distribution warehouse for sale in customers. The Hem is sates taxable when sold to their customer. How would this Item be set up?
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