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1Z0-1109-22 Exam Dumps

1Z0-1109-22 Exam Dumps

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DevOps Professional

Vendor: Oracle

Exam Name: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DevOps Professional

Questions with Answers: 50

Last Updated: 16-Jan-2025

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Oracle 1Z0-1109-22 Exam Questions

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DevOps Professional exams.

Which TWO components are optional while creating Monitoring Query Language (MQL) expressions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring service? (Choose two.)
Choose the Choices:

You are a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) and are new to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) DevOps. You need help tracking the performance of your cloud native applications. Which group of OCI services can help you get application insights?
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You are using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) DevOps service and you have successfully built and tested your software applications in your Build Pipeline. The resulting output needs to be stored in a container repository. Which stage should you add next to your Build Pipeline?
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Pods running in your Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster often need to communicate with other pods in the cluster or with services outside the cluster. As the OKE cluster administrator, you have been tasked with configuring permissions to restrict pod - to - pod communications except as explicitly allowed. Where can you define these permissions?
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A development team leveraging the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DevOps service is having trouble getting their build pipeline to complete successfully. Which two situations might be the problem? (Choose two.)
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