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1Z0-1072-23 Exam Dumps

1Z0-1072-23 Exam Dumps

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Architect Associate

Vendor: Oracle

Exam Name: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Architect Associate

Questions with Answers: 55

Last Updated: 13-Jan-2025

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Oracle 1Z0-1072-23 Exam Questions

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Architect Associate exams.

Oracle Cloud Agent is a lightweight process that manages plugins running on compute instances. Which is NOT a valid Oracle Cloud Agent plugin name?
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You are part of a team that manages a set of workload instances running in an on - premises environment. The Architect team is tasked with designing and configuring Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Logging service to collect logs from these instances. There is a requirement to archive Info - level logging data of these instances into the OCI Object Storage. Which TWO features of OCI can help you achieve this?
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You create a file system and then add a 2 GB file. You then take a snapshot of the file system. What would be the total meteredBytes shown by the File Storage service after the hourly update cycle is complete?
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You are part of an organization with thousands of users accessing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). An unknown user action was executed resulting in configuration errors. You are tasked to quickly identify the details of all users who were active in the last six hours along with any REST API calls that were executed. Which OCI service would you use?
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You have an instance running in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) that cannot be live - migrated during an infrastructure maintenance event. OCI schedules a maintenance due date within 14 to 16 days and sends you a notification. What would happen if you choose not to proactively reboot the instance before the scheduled maintenance due date?
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