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NS0-593 Exam Dumps

NS0-593 Exam Dumps

NetApp certified support engineer - ONTAP specialist

Vendor: NetApp

Exam Name: NetApp certified support engineer - ONTAP specialist

Questions with Answers: 60

Last Updated: 09-Sep-2024

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NetApp NS0-593 Exam Questions

NetApp certified support engineer - ONTAP specialist exams.

When you review performance data for a NetApp ONTAP cluster node, there are back - to - back (B2B) type consistency points (CPs) found occurring on the loot aggregate. In this scenario, how will performance of the client operations on the data aggregates be affected?
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Recently, a CIFS SVM was deployed and is working. The customer wants to use the Dynamic DNS (DDNS) capability available in NetApp ONTAP to easily advertise both data UFs to their clients. Currently. DNS is only responding with one data LIF. DDNS is enabled on the domain controllers.

Referring to the exhibit, which two actions should be performed to enable DDNS updates to work? (Choose two.)
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A customer is calling you to troubleshoot why users are unable to connect to their CIFS SVM.

Referring to the Information shown in the exhibit, what Is the source of the problem?
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You have a customer who is concerned with high CPU and disk utilization on their SnapMirror destination system. They are worried about high CPU and disk usage without any user operations. In this situation, what should you tell the customer?
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You are attempting to connect a NetApp ONTAP cluster to a very complex network that requires LIFs to fail over across subnets. How would you accomplish this task?
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