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Professional-Cloud-Architect Exam Dumps

Professional-Cloud-Architect Exam Dumps

Google Cloud Architect Professional

Vendor: Google

Exam Name: Google Cloud Architect Professional

Questions with Answers: 276

Last Updated: 02-Sep-2024

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Google Professional-Cloud-Architect Exam Questions

Google Cloud Architect Professional exams.

For this question, refer to the Mountkirk Games case study. Mountkirk Games wants you to design their new testing strategy. How should the test coverage differ from their existing backends on the other platforms?
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For this question, refer to the Mountkirk Games case study. Mountkirk Games has deployed their new backend on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You want to create a thorough testing process for new versions of the backend before they are released to the public. You want the testing environment to scale in an economical way. How should you design the process?
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For this question, refer to the Mountkirk Games case study. Mountkirk Games wants to set up a continuous delivery pipeline. Their architecture includes many small services that they want to be able to update and roll back quickly. Mountkirk Games has the following requirements: • Services are deployed redundantly across multiple regions in the US and Europe. • Only frontend services are exposed on the public internet. • They can provide a single frontend IP for their fleet of services. • Deployment artifacts are immutable. Which set of products should they use?
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For this question, refer to the Mountkirk Games case study. Mountkirk Games' gaming servers are not automatically scaling properly. Last month, they rolled out a new feature, which suddenly became very popular. A record number of users are trying to use the service, but many of them are getting 503 errors and very slow response times. What should they investigate first?
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For this question, refer to the Mountkirk Games case study Mountkirk Games needs to create a repeatable and configurable mechanism for deploying isolated application environments. Developers and testers can access each other's environments and resources, but they cannot access staging or production resources. The staging environment needs access to some services from production. What should you do to isolate development environments from staging and production?
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