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NSE8_812 Exam Dumps

NSE8_812 Exam Dumps

Fortinet NSE 8 - Written Exam

Vendor: Fortinet

Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 8 - Written Exam

Questions with Answers: 60

Last Updated: 14-Jan-2025

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Fortinet NSE8_812 Exam Questions

Fortinet NSE 8 - Written Exam exams.

Review the VPN configuration shown in the exhibit.

What is the Forward Error Correction behavior if the SD - WAN network traffic download is 500 Mbps and has 8% of packet loss in the environment?
Choose the Choices:

You are running a diagnose command continuously as traffic flows through a platform with NP6 and you obtain the following output: Given the information shown in the output, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
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Which two methods are supported for importing user defined Lookup Table Data into the FortiSIEM? (Choose two.)
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What is the benefit of using FortiGate NAC LAN Segments?
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You are troubleshooting a FortiMail Cloud service integrated with Office 365 where outgoing emails are not reaching the recipients' mail What are two possible reasons for this problem? (Choose two.)
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