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NSE7_SAC-6.2 Exam Dumps

NSE7_SAC-6.2 Exam Dumps

Fortinet NSE 7 - Secure Access 6.2

Vendor: Fortinet

Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 7 - Secure Access 6.2

Questions with Answers: 30

Last Updated: 17-Jan-2025

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Fortinet NSE7_SAC-6.2 Exam Questions

Fortinet NSE 7 - Secure Access 6.2 exams.

Which step can be taken to ensure that only FortiAP devices receive IP addresses from a DHCP server on FortiGate?
Choose the Choices:

Refer to the exhibit. In the WTP profile configuration shown in the exhibit, the AP profile is assigned to two FAP - 320 APs that are installed in an open plan office •The first AP has 32 clients associated to the 5GHz radios and 22 clients associated to the 2.4GHz radio. •The second AP has 12 clients associated to the 5GHz radios and 20 clients associated to the 2.4GHz radio. A dual band - capable client enters the office near the first AP and the first AP measures the new client at - 33 dBm signal strength. The second AP measures the new client at - 4 3 dBm signal strength. If the new client attempts to connect to the corporate wireless network, to which AP radio will the client be associated?
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Which two EAP methods can use MSCHAP2 for client authentication? (Choose two.)
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Which two statements about the use of digital certificates are true? (Choose two.)
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802.1X port authentication is enabled on only those ports that the FortiSwitch security policy is assigned to. Which configurable items are available when you configure the security policy on FortiSwitch? (Choose two.)
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