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NSE7_EFW-7.0 Exam Dumps

NSE7_EFW-7.0 Exam Dumps

Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 7.0

Vendor: Fortinet

Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 7.0

Questions with Answers: 163

Last Updated: 12-Jan-2025

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Fortinet NSE7_EFW-7.0 Exam Questions

Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 7.0 exams.

Examine the IPsec configuration shown in the exhibit; then answer the question below. An administrator wants to monitor the VPN by enabling the IKE real time debug using these commands: diagnose vpn ike log - filter src - addr4 diagnose debug application ike - 1 diagnose debug enable The VPN is currently up, there is no traffic crossing the tunnel and DPD packets are being interchanged between both IPsec gateways. However, the IKE real time debug does NOT show any output. Why isn’t there any output?
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Which of the following statements are true regarding the SIP session helper and the SIP application layer gateway (ALG)? (Choose three.)
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A FortiGate device has the following LDAP configuration: The administrator executed the ‘dsquery’ command in the Windows LDAp server, and got the following output: >dsquery user – samid administrator “CN=Administrator, CN=Users, DC=trainingAD, DC=training, DC=lab” Based on the output, what FortiGate LDAP setting is configured incorrectly?
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A corporate network allows Internet Access to FSSO users only. The FSSO user student does not have Internet access after successfully logged into the Windows AD network. The output of the ‘diagnose debug authd fsso list’ command does not show student as an active FSSO user. Other FSSO users can access the Internet without problems. What should the administrator check? (Choose two.)
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An administrator has decreased all the TCP session timers to optimize the FortiGate memory usage. However, after the changes, one network application started to have problems. During the troubleshooting, the administrator noticed that the FortiGate deletes the sessions after the clients send the SYN packets, and before the arrival of the SYN/ACKs. When the SYN/ACK packets arrive to the FortiGate, the unit has already deleted the respective sessions. Which TCP session timer must be increased to fix this problem?
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